Dec 3, 2008

Living Room Before & After

lime wall
This is the living room before we moved in. My husband really wanted to keep the lime/ neon green wall. I was less than thrilled with the color. I couldn't really work lime green into my vision for the room. So, instead I picked a color from our local paint shop called "grilled cheese" (I kid you not). Somehow this seemed fitting for our house, and I like the color better than lime.
Living room with red chair
Warm and cozy, right?

Why my dining room is yellow
The inspiration for the dining room/ living room color was this image from Domino magazine. It's so cheerful and bright, I thought that when the weather outside was grey and miserably rainy, we could enjoy some virtual sunshine inside. We'll see how that works out this winter.

Yellow Nook
Image from here.
Finally, I like the use of a little bit of the same color used as an accent color surrounded by white. It still looks happy and warm even in small doses. I think the color works best with a restrained palette everywhere else, but I'm not sure a house with two dark-haired pets would do very well with too much white.

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